"Entrusted" by Beth Moore. Tuesdays at Creation Station beginning January 10.

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"Entrusted" by Beth Moore. Tuesdays at Creation Station beginning January 10.
Welcome to Clingan Ridge
Our mission is to effectively reach out to the unsaved, cultivate spiritual growth and be a place of refuge, consistent with God's principles of love and compassion, in order to fulfill the Great Commission and bring honor to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Online giving is now available!
You can give your tithes and other gifts through our secure payment system, operated by PayPal.
You do not need a PayPal account to use the service.
Click HERE to go to the
Giving Page.
The Student Ministries Search Committee is accepting resume's for Youth Pastor. This is a FULL TIME position at CRBC. Send your resumes to:
Youth Pastor Search Committee
Clingan Ridge Baptist Church
2412 Georgetown Road NW
Cleveland, TN 37311
Jan 7
Men's Monthly Breakfast and Bible Study. 8am at Golden Corral on Stuart Road in Cleveland.
All men, members or not, are welcomed to attend.
Jan 8
There will be a mandatory meeting after the morning service for those going on the Choir Cruise in February.
For more information, click on the Choir Page or see
Kenneth Kesley.
Jan 10
Beth Moore Bible Study called "Entrusted" begins. 6pm each Tuesday night at Creation Station. This study lasts 6 weeks. All women are welcomed and encouraged to attend.

Download the new CRBC App on your smartphone or tablet. Search "Clingan Ridge" in the Apple Store and Google Play and stay informed on the go!
The Boys & Girls Club's
Ed Jacobs Unit is now open at Clingan Ridge!
Click HERE for more information about the

Watch the latest services from Clingan Ridge Baptist Church on our YouTube Channel or on the Media Services Page by clicking here.
The Range (Middle School)
Fellowship, music and Bible Study for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Wednesday nights at 6:30pm in the Youth Building (2400 Georgetown Rd.)
The Ridge (High School & College)
Fellowship, music and worship for high schoolers and college age young adults in the Youth Building (2400 Georgetown Rd.)
Sunday School
Classes for all ages Sunday morning beginning at 10am. Click HERE for more details.
XYZ's (Older Adults)
The XYZ Ministry meets the first Tuesday of each month for Bible Study at 9:45am in the Fellowship Hall. Fellowship Lunch the third Thursday of each month.
Men's Ministry
The men of the church (and visitors) are welcome to join the fellowship each Tuesday...either for lunch or dinner. Check the Men's Ministry page for times and places.
College & Career Class
College & Career meets each Sunday morning at 10:00am in the Youth Center. If you are 18-28, join us for fellowship and Bible study. For more information, see Danny or Trish Marshall.